Daily Archives: July 6, 2013

RV show!

In February dad and me went to an RV show. We had gone 2 years before with Darrell, and decided to go back. It’s huge and it gets so tiring walking around and walking in and out of all the … Continue reading

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Photos of all my babies!!!

What could be better than doing an entire post with TONS of pictures of my loves?! Nothing! These animals are like my children, they are my life! They are really the only thing that gives me joy anymore in this … Continue reading

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Chicago Auto Show!

Every year for many years now dad and I go to the Chicago Auto Show on one of the media days. Thanks to my brother and his car websites, that is how we get the passes. It’s always a good … Continue reading

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Dad’s Retirement!

January 30, 2012 was dad’s last day at Sear’s and dad’s last day working EVER! That is because he retired! He started his retirement on his birthday 2/1/12! He decided that after what happened to mom, it just wasn’t worth … Continue reading

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Pepper Cola Langstraat 8/1/94 – 12/26/12

So the day after Christmas Darrell had to go back to work and I was planning on going to my parent’s house. Dad and I were going out to breakfast along with some other plans. Going out to breakfast the … Continue reading

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Christmas 2012!

I can’t believe how much time has passed, and with my life going the way it is, I have been unable to keep up with my posts. So it is July but I am finally getting around to write about … Continue reading

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