Day 42

On Thursday I worked at Mayneland Farm from 8-1, stopped at the bank, rushed home, exercised outside, took a shower, went to Kmart and then drove as fast as I could to meet my friend Aileen at 3:55 at the Ogden Theater to see Eat, Pray, Love. We both made it at the same time, just on time! Unfortunately, though, I really didn’t care for the movie. I love movies like this, and yet for me that day it was over 2 hours of just talk, talk, talk. It gave me a headache! Oh well. Then we were going to go have dinner at TGIFriday’s on Naper Blvd. But guess what? IT WAS GONE!!!! So we went to the one by Fox Valley Mall istead. I was so mad when I got home though because I wanted to take a picture of Aileen at the restaurant or movie, and I FORGOT! UGH! Luckily, though, at work I had taken a picture of some cornstalks that my mom wanted to buy! So that is my picture for that day.

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