Day 43 – Musical

Friday I stopped at my farm to pick up my mom’s cornstalk, then I had to go to Elmhurst for a dentist appointment. They took like 25 x-rays, it was horrible! Then I stopped at Marla & Jeff’s house, it was fun talking to them & playing with Echo! I went to my parent’s house, and my dad was just about finished getting a new garage door installed by Sears. When he was done we ran some errands, then we picked up Gene & Jude’s to bring home for dinner. In the evening my mom and I went to Elmhurst College to see their musical Sweeney Todd. I wasn’t a fan of the movie, and I’m still not a fan of the story itself, however, the musical was actually better than the movie! So here is a picture of my mom before the show reading the program.

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