Day 350 – Hospital Day 2!

Thursday I was in the hospital all day. They took my catheter out, which luckily didn’t hurt but it meant I had to get up to pee. The first time I got up many hours later was HORRIBLE! It took me 25 minutes to get out of bed! I saw my doctor that morning and he showed me pictures of my tumor, he was so excited about it. I asked for the pictures and he said no way, those were HIS! So I took a couple pictures with my phone, so just a word of caution, if you are queazy you might not want to look because I am posting them here!! My parents & Darrell visited me in the afternoon/evening as well!! The first photo is of the actual tumor. The 2nd one is of it opened and you can see fat and hair in it. The 3rd photo is of the 2 teeth they found in the tumor, 1 even had a cavity! The last photo is of the very cute dog that came and visited me that day!!

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